Love, Joy, Peace...

God's Love for You

God's love for you is unconditional. No matter who you are or what you've done, God's love for you remains steadfast. The Bible tells us, "God loves the people of this world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn its people. He sent Him to save them" (John 3:16-17, CEV).

Our Beginning

When God created us, He placed us in a garden of paradise—showering us with His love, provision, and life. God walked with us daily, so we never knew sickness, pain, or suffering of any kind. Every moment was filled with joy, peace, and a profound sense of belonging. In this perfect communion, our hearts were fully aligned with His, experiencing the fullness of His presence and the depth of His love.

Our Choice

God never turned away from us, but humanity began to seek after knowledge. We placed knowledge above our relationship with God. This decision ushered us into a reality marred by selfishness and sin—producing pain, sorrow, and death. The Bible says, "Don't be fooled about this, my dear brothers. Everything good in life is a gift from heaven, and it comes from the Father of lights. Unlike shadows which shift with the turning earth, God never changes" (James 1:16-17, CW).

We blamed God for the pain and suffering we experienced, but our pain was arising from our own sinful selfish actions (Romans 6:23)—we were just too blind to see it. So we forged ahead in our sin.

God's Mercy

God never stopped pursuing us. "God's mercy is great, and His love for us is beyond understanding. We were spiritually dead, but He gave us a new life in Christ—by grace alone and totally unmerited. He did all this so that throughout the ages of eternity, He could continue to show the riches of His grace by His kindness to us" (Ephesians 2:4-7, CW).

God's Assurance

Even in our rebellion and sin, God's love remained unwavering. God set in motion a plan of redemption, promising to restore what was lost and renew His relationship with us. Through Jesus Christ, God bridged the gap our sin created, offering us a path back to His heart. God is inviting us to walk with Him, once again! Jesus said, "I am standing at your heart's door, knocking. Anyone who hears My voice and opens the door will be glad, for I will come in and eat with him and he with Me" (Revelation 3:20, CW).

Embrace God's Love

Through faith in Jesus, we become children of God and enter into a new life filled with His grace and love. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" (John 1:12, NKJV). Embracing God's love is as simple as embracing Jesus.

Pray this simple prayer:

Dear God, I know I've strayed away from You. Thank you for forgiving me. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son, that He died for my sins, and that You raised Him from the dead. I trust Him as my Savior and will follow Him as my Lord. I want Your presence in my life. Guide me and help me to do Your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.